

Biochemical, Environmental, and MOlecular Research in Engineering (BEMORE)

Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU)

BEMORE participating programsThe overarching goal of the BEMORE REU Site is to prepare students to address knowledge gaps, develop new technologies, and bring unique perspectives to complex problems at the interface of biochemical and environmental systems. To achieve this goal, we have developed an innovative 10-week REU Site structure that involves five interdisciplinary teams of two faculty mentors, two REU students, and two peer mentors. Each REU student will have a primary and second faculty mentor (from different departments), who have co-developed a project within the BEMORE theme. The students will build interdisciplinary research competencies during the project through multiple levels of student-student and student-faculty interaction.

Our specific objectives are as follows:

  1. Engage REU students in interdisciplinary projects that address grand challenges at the interface of biochemical and environmental engineering and science
  2. Train 30 REU students in the foundational tools, cutting-edge techniques, and scientific concepts needed to address the aforementioned challenges
  3. Educate students to effectively communicate with researchers in their own field, scientists in other disciplines, and the general public
  4. Support students’ professional development through research outcomes, networking activities, and regular feedback from faculty mentors, peer mentors, and other REU students

BEMORE is comprised of a group of interdisciplinary faculty from the following departments:

Chemical, Biochemical, and Environmental Engineering

Biological Sciences

Chemistry & Biochemistry

Geography & Environmental Systems

Joint Center for Earth Systems Technology

Keith R. Porter Imaging Facility