
Biochemical, Environmental, and MOlecular Research in Engineering (BEMORE)

Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU


2024 Program Dates: June 3 – August 9


During the summer experince, BEMORE REU student trainees will: 

  • address knowledge gaps, develop new technologies, and bring unique perspectives to complex problems in biochemical and environmental engineering and science.
  • gain the interdisciplinary knowledge, skills, and training to address a variety of grand challenges, including antibiotic resistance, sustainable plastic replacements, smart polymers, urban air quality, bio-based sensors, and more.

After their summer experience at UMBC, BEMORE REU student trainees will “be more”: 

  • prepared to conduct interdisciplinary research
  • confident in their abilities as early-career researchers
  • equipped with the discipline-specific and interdisciplinary knowledge and skills needed to address grand challenges
  • capable of communicating their work to various audiences and stakeholders
  • informed about career options in their current field and complementary fields
  • connected to mentors and other scientists/engineers who can provide career advice and success strategies

The BEMORE REU program is supported by the National Science Foundation Award (#2050728). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed by the BEMORE participants are their own do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.